Giving to your Parish

Would you like to set up a standing order?

More and more people are paying their offertory collection by Standing Order, rather than having to use cash each week.
Would you like to use this facility in future?

If so please download the standing order form here or pick up a standing order form from the back of church if that is easier for you.

If you have any questions about setting up a standing order with the parish, do not hesitate to contact Michelle Anderson the Parish Administrator – you can call Michelle on 01924 474650 or email here

The online Parish Offertory gives you the opportunity to make a secure donation to your parish at anytime.

Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, which means your parish can claim back from the HMRC 25p for every £1 you donate, at no extra cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration form can be found here.

Thank you to you all for your continued kindness, generosity and support of your parish. It is very much appreciated.

Fr Eamonn (PP)
