Sunday 30th March 2025
4th Sunday of Lent (C)

To download a copy of the latest bulletin please click here

Fr Eamonn is available for Confessions as follows;
St Patrick’s St Mary’s
Sat 9.15am – 9.45am Sat 3.45pm – 4.15pm
(and upon request)

Baptism are celebrated as follows;
St Patrick’s St Mary’s
Sat at 11.00am Sun at 11.30am
(Please see Fr Eamonn after a weekend Mass.)

Baby Lucas ShawSt Patrick’sFuneral Service – Monday 7th April – 1.00pm
William ‘Billy” WalfordSt Mary’sFuneral Service – Friday 11th April – 11.00am
John BlanchfieldSt Patrick’s Funeral Service – Thursday 17th April – 12.00noon

FIRST FRIDAY JUBILEE VIGIL OF PRAYER as you know we as a parish are marking the Jubilee Year as ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ with First Friday Prayer Vigils with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations of the Cross, Rosary and Mass. These have been very special evenings of prayer with parishioners from across the Deanery attending. I am delighted to say that this Friday we also welcome, Fr Stephen Webb (Batley Carr & Dewsbury) and Fr Simon Lodge (Cleckheaton & Heckmondwike) to join us to help here Confessions during the Vigil of Prayer. This is a wonderful chance to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation just a couple of weeks before Holy Week. I am very grateful to them for agreeing to help. Fr Simon has also agreed to preach at the Mass that evening at 8.00pm. Please come along and join us in this special time of prayer – all welcome.

FIRST CONFESSIONS CONGRATULATIONS – on behalf of the parish may I say ‘congratulations’ to all the children in Year 3 in both St Mary’s and St Patrick’s Primary Schools who celebrated their First Confession this week. It is an important step for them in their lives of faith and in preparation for their First Holy Communion next year. May I also say a big ‘thank you’ to the staff of both schools who
got the children ready for this Sacrament. Your help and dedication as always is very much appreciated.

There is an open invite to join us for our Annual Ecumenical Good Friday Service – Friday 18th April at 10.00am at Batley Central Methodist Church. This year the preacher is Fr Eamonn.

APF COLLECTORS AT ST PATRICK’S – The books & magazines are now available at the back of church. Please send money in by 13th April. Thank you as always, for your generous efforts. (Sr Gemma)

CATHOLIC CARE ANNUAL APPEAL – 29th & 30th MARCH 2025 -The Catholic Care’s Annual Appeal will take place across the weekend of 29th and 30th March 2025. If you are able to make a regular contribution you can set up a standing order. Our bank details are: Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) 05-00-20; 11472611. If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to Gift Aid your donation, please contact us for a Gift Aid form: [email protected] or see the Annual Appeal leaflet available at the back of church.

Monday 31st March – Stephen Walker will be giving a talk about Birstall Market Place.
Monday 7th April – Apologies- it is cancelled this week due to a funeral
Come along and meet old friends and make some new ones. Everyone welcome.

Further from the very successful Crafting Session making Christmas Wreathes that was held during Advent, Stacy Rhys-Hill is now offering 2 Crafting Sessions to help the children of St John Fisher to raise funds for their forthcoming pilgrimage to Lourdes. These sessions will take place on;
Saturday 5th April 10.30am – 12.30pm and also 1.30pm – 3.30pm
In the St Mary’s Parish Room. Tickets priced £5.00 which includes tea / coffee & cake.
During this sessions we will decorate a jar for a candle, make a felt decoration and also a fabric broach. If you are interested having a place, please sign your name on the form at the back of church for the chosen session.

OPEN INVITE TO THE WEEKLY MASS AT ST JOHN FISHER’S – each week during term time, St John Fisher’s Catholic Voluntary Academy celebrates a weekly Mass in their chapel. This Mass is celebrated by the School’s Priest Chaplain Fr Simon Lodge and there is an open invitation to any parishioners who would like to attend. Please do go a long and support our High School as they celebrate our catholic
faith for the children in their care. All welcome.

ST PATRICK’S DISCUSSION GROUP – We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 10.00am in the St Patrick’s Church Tea/ Coffee room. All are welcome. For further details call Andy Hill on 01274 315271 or 07729 626966.

ST PATRICK’S LOURDES GROUP EASTER RAFFLE – The Lourdes group are extremely grateful for all the support they have received from the parish. We hope to have one final Easter raffle and therefore we now request donations for prizes. The pilgrimage is in mid June and this is the final push to raise essential funds. If you have anything suitable, please bring it to church or speak to Dorothy or Paul (07582101538). Thank you.

ST MARY SCHOOL REUNION 2025 Friday 29th August will be the date for this year’s Reunion for St Mary’s Primary School pupils. The invitation is extended to all who left between 1958 and 1968. There will be Mass at 12.00noon at St Mary’s followed by a convivial afternoon at Batley Nash. Details to follow nearer the date, or call John Roe for more information on 07500 417071.

ST PATRICK’S LEGION OF MARY The St Patrick’s legion of Mary meet on; Tuesday mornings at 10.00am in the St Patrick’s Parish Meeting Room.

LEGION OF MARY ACIES CEREMONY will take place in St Patrick’s Church, Birstall, on Saturday 5th April at 12.45pm followed by Holy Mass at 1.00pm celebrated by Canon Wiley. All welcome.

PARISH BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP – ‘The Journey’ Grief Care Group for anyone walking through Loss. An opportunity to spend time with others who recognise your journey in bereavement. The next meetings are scheduled as follows;
Thursday 8th May 6.30pm
Thursday 5th June 6.30pm

These meetings will take place in the St Mary’s Parish Room. Tea & Coffee will be available. It is open to Catholics and non-Catholics are very welcome too. If you are struggling with bereavement, you are very welcome.

ST JOHN FISHER’S CATHOLIC VOLUNTARY ACADEMY CRUCIFIXION RE-ENACTMENT – The annual Re-enacted by the 6th Form students of St John Fisher Catholic Voluntary Academy will take place on;
Wednesday 2nd April at 12.00noon – Longcauseway Church, Dewsbury
The school would love to see you there for this important annual witness to our faith by our Catholic High School.

ST JOHN FISHER CATHOLIC VOLUNTARY ACADEMY – 12 HOURS FOR THE LORD – As part of a series of events being held during this Jubilee Year, St John Fishers will be hosting “12 Hours for the Lord – an extended period of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday 28th March between 7.00am and 7.00pm. Parishioners are warmly invited to join them in the school chapel between 5.00pm and 7.00pm. If you would like to be present please sign your name on the form at the back of church indicating which time you would like to be present. The Adoration will end with Benediction. Let us support our local Catholic High School in this important act of worship in this Jubilee Year.

WELL DONE TO ROSE LONGLEY on behalf of the parish, may I say ‘well done’ to little Rose Longley of St Patrick’s for raising £55.15 at her recent bun sale in aid of CAFOD. All her hard work by her and the family paid off and will be much appreciated by CAFOD.

THE BIG LENT WALK BY RENE HAMILTONRene, who attends St Patrick’s Church is taking part in The Big Lent Walk , challenging herself to walk 200km over the 40 days of lent. All money raised will be used to help CAFOD reach out to all people living in poverty with practical help. Sponsorship form at the back of church or you can sponsor on FB at her Justgiving page. Thank you all so much in anticipation.

EXTRAORDINARY PORTRAITS – AN EXHIBITION OF HOPE – Some of you may have watched a program called Extraordinary Portraits with Bill Bailey on BBC. It can also be found on BBCiplayer. The program shines a light on everyday heroes within society by painting portraits of them. These everyday heroes have extraordinary stories and the artists hope to turn these stories into amazing portraits. These portraits are in an exhibition at the Loading Bay in Bradford from March 13 to April 6. The theme of HOPE throughout was both humbling and inspiring. This matches the Jubilee Year theme of hope.

OUR PARISH HISTORY – On 27 March 1926 Patrick Higgins, on his sixth attempt, was elected as a Birstall District Councillor. Described as a real “son of the people” he had a keen interest in welfare, equity and justice, framed by his own experiences. Prior to his election, as president of Birstall Unemployment Association, he was praised for his work in relieving distress in the town, making representations to the Council about relief schemes and championing the unemployed. He was also secretary of Birstall Boots for Bairns Fund, and a member of the Birstall Trades and Labour Council. Between 1914-1923 he was on the committee of the Birstall Industrial Cooperative Society representing them at Congress on the Hours and Wages Board. An active member of St Patrick’s church and the Irish community, he was the president of Birstall Catholic Young Men’s Society and Institute, an official of the Birstall Irish Democratic League Club, and secretary of the Birstall Branch of the Irish National Foresters.
(Jane Roberts – Parish Historian) Website:

HI –DE-HI AT THE ALHAMBRA – 24th – 26th April 2025 – WITH AMY ROCHE SHEARD & HER HUSBAND CHRIS – The beloved TV comedy Hi-De-Hi! arrives at The Studio, Bradford Alhambra, from April 24th to 26th, 2025, starring our very own Amy Roche-Sheard and her husband Chris. Set in 1950s Maplins Holiday Camp, the new season brings fierce rivalry as the “Miss Yellowcoat” competition
takes center stage. Meanwhile, Peggy dreams of becoming a Yellowcoat, Ted scrambles to dodge a bailiff, and camp gossip runs wild! Don’t miss this hilarious trip down memory lane. Performances are at 7:30pm, with a Saturday matinee at 2:30pm. Book tickets online here or call 01274 432000.

WELCOME SPACE – at St Peter’s Church, Birstall every Wednesday 11am-2pm. Free. Refreshments, hot drinks, 3 soups and sandwiches, board games and small little ones play area provided.

THE BeMoreRuby FUND As some of you may recall, Ruby Lockwood, a member of our parish died suddenly in October 2023. Ruby’s cause of death was attributed to an undiagnosed genetic heart condition called Sudden Arythmyic Death Syndrome (SADs). Ruby’s family have been campaigning to raise awareness and are currently raising funds to provide heart screenings for young people in the community in conjunction with the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY). The family would like to invite anyone to follow their journey via the links below:

DRU YOGA WITH TAMLIN WALKER Dru Yoga is great for maintaining and improving flexibility and for maintaining the health of your joints. It can help with stress, relaxation and even help you sleep better!
Sundays 6pm-7.10pm £7.50 Heckmondwike Community Centre Wednesdays 7.15-8.20pm £6 online via Zoom
Please contact Tamlin Walker on 07957434127 or email here for further information and a health registration form.

ST MARY’S SOCIAL CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – The Annual General Meeting of St Mary’s Social Club & Parochial Hall will take place in the Basement at 7pm on Tuesday 1st April 2025. New members welcome.

ST MARY’S SOCIAL CLUB & PAROCHIAL HALL  Are you thinking about where to celebrate a family party, baptism, wedding, birthday? (Not children’s parties) St Mary’s Social Club has great rooms available to hire at very good prices.
The Melton Lounge – ideal for parties up to 50 people with a well stocked bar.
The Ball room – can hold up to 160 people, with an adjoining kitchen and bar.
St Mary’s Social Club and Parochial Hall – Melton Street, Batley, WF17 8PT
Booking Enquiries – Michelle 07896 974429 or find us on Facebook


Social DancingSunday evenings from 7.30pm
Bingo in the LoungeTuesdays 8.00pm & Fridays at 8.00pm
Singing for FunWednesdays from 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Quiz NightWednesdays from 8.30pm
Batley Rock and Roll ClubWednesdays from 8.00pm
Fitness with KarenWednesdays 5.45pm – 6.45pm
Slimming WorldThursdays 9.00am – 11.00am & 5.00pm – 7.00pm
Friday 9.00am
Central Pointe Dance (in the studio)Monday to Thursday

Regular sell out Rock and Roll Band nights – first Friday of the month
Monthly Tribute nights with Batley’s Legendary DJ Mick Ingram. Early booking essential: Ticket Hotline 07766336951


For a full list of Diocesan notices please click here

If you have any items for the parish bulletin, please may I have them no later than Thursday 12.00noon. These can be sent to Michelle Anderson here or post them through either presbytery letterbox and I will pick them up and add them to the coming week’s bulletin.
Many thanks.